Oylegate cycle track review

You say Oylegate, I say Oilgate, they say Oylgate. Northbound cycle track in Oilgate village (3 pedestrians walking on it circled in yellow) From my many cycles through Oylegate village,…



Wexford Co Co has a penchant for tar & chip road surface dressing. When it comes to tar & chipping surface dressings, size matters. By that we mean chipping size.…


Wexford cycling – Quick wins #1

Disappearing hard shoulder N25 L3040 junction. Real solutions in terms of cycling safety come in the form of dedicated, segregated and connected cycling infrastructure. There are though, some quick wins…


That Clogh cycle lane..

A mandatory cycle lane denoted by continuous white line. Here it is placed inside a hard shoulder pinch on the R772 between Clogh and Clogh roundabout. I get a little…


What is it about cycling in Drinagh?

Raised section on R760 From the many complaints that I’ve heard over the years, the R730 Drinagh Northbound section from McDonalds to Kerlogue would be a worthy recipient for Wexford’s…

Read more about the article The Bike and Brunch Huns
WexBUG’s Bikes & Brunch huns spin to Karoo

The Bike and Brunch Huns

By Ruth O’ Connor. WexBUG Bike & Brunch spin I love cycling. Whether it’s spinning into town or venturing off on long rides at the weekend, I love the freedom it…


WexBUG council meeting April ‘19

Our main aim was to introduce ourselves and to raise some matters of concern and to share some future ideas 💡  Here is a synopsis of this very cordial meeting. …

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Rough Roads

Jaysus, hasn’t Wexford got some quare rough road surfaces..?!! I don’t know how many times over the years that I’ve been part of this type of conversation with other riders…


Clogh village to Clogh Roundabout

https://youtu.be/j-nZqMYCWkg This was a section of road where shared space was added following the opening of the M11. Previously, there had been a hard shoulder bordered by broken yellow lines…

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