Here in Wexford, we are utterly spoiled with beautiful bathing spots.
Kilometre after kilometre of white sandy beaches run along our coast and one of the best ways to enjoy these beauty spots is to hop on the bike and head down for a dip in the sea.

Wexford town – Curracloe Beach
Distance: 20km
Elevation: 90m
Suitable for: Road / Touring / Hybrid Bike
Start/Finish: Riverbank House Hotel, Wexford

Only 10km from Wexford town is one of the most stunning beaches in Ireland – Curracloe.
It’s a short and relatively flat out-and-back spin with the added bonus of an ice-cream and a swim at the halfway point.
To start on this route, you need to get to the eastern side of Wexford bridge.
As any local biking folk know, the bridge isn’t the most pleasant place to be on two wheels.
So, if you’re not feeling up to it, stroll over and start your bicycle jaunt at the Riverbank House Hotel.
There is also ample parking here if you’re a day-tripper with the bikes on the roof.
From there, head north on the R741 for approximately 3km.
Turn right onto the R742, signposted for Curracloe. Continue along this road for 5km until you reach the village of Curracloe.
This is an ideal time to stop for sustenance at Tim’s Chipper, ordering a bag of chips with lashings of salt and vinegar.
From the village, take the right turn onto the R743, signposted for White Gap / Curracloe Beach.
Follow this road for 2km, finishing with a lovely free-wheel into the main carpark of the beach.
There are toaster-racks for parking your bike or if you don’t fancy using these, you can just wheel your bike up the board walk and keep it with you while you bask in Wexford’s glorious sunshine.
Make sure to grab an ice-cream before heading home the way you came – fuel for the spin and all that!

Points of interest:- Ballineskar beach, adjacent to Curracloe on the northern side, is the filming location for the Hollywood epic, Saving Private Ryan.- The Raven Wood Nature Reserve, on the southern side of Curracloe is a stunning spot for a walk or for some trail biking.
Pack a picnic and spend the day exploring the forest, dunes and beach. – Check out the Surf Shack for surfing/SUP lessons. Located in the Curracloe carpark, they have a café, shop and surf school.
Variations:– Take a detour off the R741 at Trinity Motors (signposted Ardcavan Beach Fishing) to visit the North Slobs and Wildlife Reserve.
This Special Protected Area is the winter home to 45% of the world’s Greenland White Fronted Geese and well worth a visit. The road that leads to the reserve is lovely and quiet, with beautiful views back to Wexford Harbour and Rosslare.
– Once you get to Curracloe, take a spin on the coastal beach roads to Ballineskar and The Raven.
Food/Drink:- The Riverbank House Hotel offer a wide variety of food and, at the time of writing, were launching at outdoor food truck, Box’d.- Coffee Break at the Surf Shack do great coffees, treats and pizzas during summer months. – The Winning Post at Curracloe for a delicious 99 ice-cream.- Tim’s Chipper in Curracloe village for a bag of chips and a rissole!
Hazards:- The R742 road to Curracloe can be quite busy on sunny days with no hard shoulder.
Bike Repair:– Wexford town has several bike shops to help you with any technical issues you may experience.