Name of the Organisation: Wexford Bicycle User Group (WEXFORD B.U.G.)
Chairperson: Phil Skelton
Vice Chairperson: Ciarán Fitzgerald
Treasurer: Dave Murphy
Secretary: Ruth O’ Connor
Treasurer: Dave Murphy
Committee members:
Chris Hayes
Hazel Reid
Maura Bell
Leonard Kelly
Kevin Cronin

The web URL is:
~ Vision of the Organisation
That cycling is a normal part of transport and everyday life in Ireland.
Mission of the Organisation
To act as a non-governmental organisation for purposes which are beneficial to the community and to be a local voice in promoting cycling as an integral part of the transport system, and as an enjoyable, healthy, low-cost and environmentally-friendly activity in its own right.
Liaise with local Councillors and Wexford Co Co on matters relating to everyday inclusive cycling. Assist with developing and publicising policy.
Make submissions on planning and transport matters as appropriate.
Raise funds.
The Wexford BUG shall be accountable to the Council of
In seeking to nurture a strong cycling culture in Ireland, we support / draw on the following guiding principles:
1. Mass cycling is beneficial to society from environmental, economic, social and health perspectives. Everyone, young or old, should be encouraged to be physically active and to use their bike for transport, where feasible.
2. All of our policies and positions on cycling should be developed using an evidence based approach. Whenever new research evidence emerges, we are committed to amending our policies accordingly.
3. We respect the rights of all road users, but advocate particularly for the rights of cyclists, pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. Improving cycle safety and convenience is not intended to diminish pedestrian safety and convenience or to reduce public transport capacity
4. We support an approach to spatial planning, urban design and the development of infrastructure that provides properly for cyclists of all ages and abilities.
NOTE: This constitution may be ratified and subsequently amended at any valid meeting of the Council with the support of at least two thirds of delegates present.
At least one month’s advance notice of a proposal to amend the constitution must be sent to each member of the Council.
Structure of the Organisation
Wexford BUG is part of an association of the Regional Cycling Promotion Groups (RCPG) on the island of Ireland governed under the umbrella of parent group, council.
Wexford BUG shall pay a membership fee to the Organisation, to be set annually by the Council. (Council rules at end of constitution) *
1. To promote, through advocacy, a healthy sustainable society where mass cycling is safe, enjoyable and accessible and forms a core part of the transport system.
2. To increase the number of people of all ages, cultures, abilities and backgrounds using the bicycle for everyday transport needs to at least 10% of all trips by 2020.
3. To lobby for greatly increased priority for cycling at all levels of government and across multiple departments. We seek to have at least 10% of government spending on transport allocated to cycling.
4. To achieve greater mutual respect among different road users, we support:
Greater Awareness – increased public awareness of safe driving around cyclists and safe cycling. Training – through the provision of on-road cycle training for all school students
Education – through improved training for Gardaí, town planners, engineers, architects and professional drivers on the needs of cyclists.
5. To partner with like-minded organisations and collaborate with other groups and agencies in building a safer and more cycle friendly environment.
6. To advocate for more effective enforcement of appropriate legal sanctions against drivers of motorised vehicles who endanger the safety of cyclists and pedestrians, and against cyclists engaging in dangerous, reckless and inconsiderate behaviour.
1. All monies and funds of the Group shall be deposited, as soon as possible after receipt, in such Bank as the Organisation may designate.
2. All monies and funds shall be held in the name of the Treasurer, Chairperson and other officers for and on behalf of the Wexford BUG.
3. All cheques and withdrawals of funds, on behalf of the Wexford BUG, shall be authorised by the Treasurer and one other officer.
Proper books of accounts shall be maintained up to date at all times.
4. The Treasurer shall maintain a record of the finances of the Organisation and will keep the Committee informed of the financial position on a regular basis. The Treasurer will present a report of the finances to the Members as requested.
Committee Meetings
1. Committee meetings shall be held at least twice yearly to decide on policy and other matters relating to the day to day workings of Wexford BUG.
2. One such meeting shall be the Annual General Meeting at which the Council shall review the Statement of Accounts and carry out the election of officers and the Executive.
2. Meeting venues shall be determined based on mutual convenience.
3. The date and location of a meeting shall be determined as the final business of the previous meeting, where possible
Minutes shall be taken by a temporary secretary (or secretaries), appointed by consent. The minutes should be made available within one month at most, of the Committee meeting.
4. Nationally, Wexford BUG may be represented at any Council meeting by one or two Delegates. 5. More than two members of a constituent RCPG may attend meetings by prior arrangement, but only the nominated Delegate(s) may vote. Individual members may also attend by prior arrangement.
All committe members are elected by a member of WexBUG and seconded by another.
Election of committee takes place at the AGM.
Officer positions of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are elected to the committee at the AGM
If it is agreed by all committee members who wish to stay on for the following year with no objections, the committee can be voted back in by block. This vote must be proposed and seconded by committee members.
The election of members to officer positions of Chairperson etc. must not be elected back in by block. Each of the officers must have a member of the committee proposed and seconded.
Only for the election for the position of Chairperson, the secretary must chair the AGM until a new Chairperson is elected who will take up office after election.
Any committee member wishing to stand down outside the time of the AGM must inform the chairperson in writing. This will then be read in to the minutes of the meeting. This also applies to AGM.
No decisions can be made outside of a meeting via email or phone call.
The WexBUG WhatsApp group though can come to a decision if over half of committee decide.
Where there is no consensus, the committee will be asked to vote. A show of hands is only required but if a secret ballot is called for, it must be proposed and seconded.
When a vote is taken, the majority wins which is 50% of the votes cast plus one vote.
Where a meeting is called and there is low attendance the meeting should only go ahead where there are 3 committee members present one of which must be a officer.
Committee members must attend a minimum of 50% of WexBUG’s meetings throughout the year to keep their position as a committee member.
If a committee member steps down and is not holding an officer position, a new member should be elected onto the committee.
If the member of the committee stepping down is holding an officer position and a suitable replace isn’t found via the WexBUG WhatsApp group, the chairperson should instruct the secretary to call an EGM.
In the event if the Chairperson stepping down, it is the responsibility of the vice chairperson to call an EGM and chair the meeting until a chairperson is elected.
The number of members sitting on the committee should not be less than 5 and no more than 13 and should always be an uneven number.
At anytime, a new member can be co-opted onto the committee.
Roles of Office.
The role of the Chairperson is to ensure the smooth running of WexBUG.
To call meetings and inform the committee of non attending members
To inform the committee of meetings via WhatsApp group.
To chair meetings, liaise with the secretary on WexBUG issues, liaise with Treasurer with regard to accounts and all financial matters of WexBUG.
To delegate responsibilities to othe committee members regarding events etc
The chairperson is responsible for all decisions taken by the committee
To mediate and communicate where any dispute between members arise.
Vice Chairperson
The vice chairperson will assist the chairperson with the above duties and take up the role of Chairperson in their absence.
The secretary’s role is to record and distribute minutes of each meeting
Liaise with the chairperson in connection to the day to day running of WexBUG To help liaise with treasurer to present AGM funding report.
To pay and record all bills owed by WexBUG
To record all monies taken in by WexBUG
To submit an annual report to the committee at the AGM
To inform the committee of any problems with WexBUG finances
Treasurer and chairperson are responsible for the withdrawal and lodgement of monies. Details of accounts must only be discussed between committees members at committee meetings.
Committee members.
All remaining committee members are obliged to attend meetings when called by the chairperson To inform the committee of all ideas and plans.
Help with the running of WexBUG.
To inform the committee of any problems within WexBUG.
Committee members will attend EGM when possible in the event of vacant offices, which need to be filled.
Help with running events.
Order of business
The subscription fee for WexBUG will be decided by the newly elected committee at AGM. At the start of each meeting, the secretary will read out the minutes for the last meeting and inform committee of apologies of those unable to attend.
The secretary will record attendances and take minutes.
Upcoming events and plans will be discussed at each meeting.
All decisions must be proposed and seconded.
Decision Making
1. Decisions at both Council and Executive shall preferably be made by consensus.
2. The quorums required for valid committee meetings are as follows:
The quorum required is half the Committee, plus one, rounded down
3. Voting shall be used only if necessary, and in the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
Additional information (Constitution as per
* 5. The affiliation of an applicant RCPG or an individual must be ratified by the Council, who may also refuse or rescind an affiliation.
6. All constituent RCPGs must accept the Guiding Principles and Aims of the Organisation, as defined in
Annex 1, which shall be amended and updated by the Council from time to time.
5 Council
1. Each RCPG may appoint up to two members as Delegates, who shall collectively form the Council of the Organisation.
2. The Council is the main decision-making body of the Organisation.
3. The Council shall elect a Chairperson, a vice-Chairperson and a Treasurer to be the officers of the Council following an election held as part of the Annual General Meeting.
These officers form part of the Executive.
The term of office shall be for a minimum of one year which may be extended by agreement of the Council.
4. Nominations for office must be received prior to the start of Council meetings.
5. The Chairperson shall be the main spokesperson for the organisation, and shall chair both the Council and Executive.
6. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the role. The vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in his/her role.
7. The Council shall appoint an Executive to assist it in carrying out the business of the organisation.
8. The Executive shall comprise of no fewer than five and no more than nine Delegates of the Council, with no more than two Delegates from any one RCPG, and at least two from outside the Greater Dublin Area.
9. The office of Chairperson shall be independent of RCPG affiliation
10. Appointment of the Executive shall be ratified by the Council following a nomination and election process agreed by the Council Executive
1. The Executive shall convene as often as business requires and may conduct its meetings using tele- conferencing.
2. The Executive shall normally handle day-to-day and other short-term matters and the Council shall handle policy and longer-term, less urgent, matters.